
Friday, 17 November 2017

The deep sea divers

For hundreds of years they had been sleeping.

The ocean had been their home since that terrible day, when they had been banished to this prison of endless ocean.
Now that they had been rediscovered, the time for waiting was at an end. The divers were shocked when they saw the colossal, stone giants begin to stir in the water. It was time 5/10/15 that day it was like a sea storm had hit the agent egypt statue so it had fallen it the sea and landed against the burning hot golden corral. It was the day that an earthquake came and hit the sea and there were big crashing and banging waves they were so powerful that the deep dark sea divers got washed up to the shore of ninety mile beach were the lifeguards finds them. And they a medley took them to the hospital then at the last minute the woke up scene they were in sea for so long that they only had 4 days till they might die one will live for 1 more week after the other ones it was very very very very sad because they were only 20 and 21 and that was pretty much the end of their life.Then they got a new life but with god in heaven god loved to have time with them well there closer and jesus liked it to.It wasn't that fear for them because they did not get much life with there family was they had been in the endless part of the sea scene 1999.

Thursday, 2 November 2017

Gardening with Corban´s nana

Hello welcome back to my blog if you are knew my name is Portia and this is my blog.To day i am going to tell you a little bit about the time i learnt how to garden with Corban´s nana if u don´t know who Corban is he is a friend of mine from school + here is a pitcher of the whole class gardening in the garden .Here is another pitcher this is one of when we had just finished laying the plants down .Bye come back soonπŸ–πŸ’—πŸ’–

Monday, 11 September 2017

rata and the waka

Last Friday Mr Gunn my teacher told us a story about a man Rata and his dad died so Rata walked into the forest and found the perfect tree to build a waka to put his dad into to the waka to sail home so he can be barred in his homeland but he can´t do it if the sea is like this

Wednesday, 6 September 2017

My special place

Explain what, where, or whom is your special thing.
Explain why it is so special to you.
How does it remind you of God’s presence in your life

WALT: Find God ever day.

My special place is Whangarei Falls because it is just a wonderful place.And it reminds me of God.We go there a lot because it reminds us about how good God is at creating



water drops

Related imageRelated imageRelated imageRelated imagewater-drops are very special i know your asking why i think their special well this is some-think it dose it also dose pretty things in the sky like  this one. all the pitchers surrounding this piece of writing. These pitchers are this that water-drops really do hope you learnt Related image

the cross of your sins

Image result for reverent pretty mountains with the crossThe cross of your sins that Jesus died on.For all of you that do not know Jesus died on the cross well yes he did but he did it to save our sin plus he did it for us no-matter how many times we do something wrong Jesus all-ways forgives us because deep down in-side us God,Jesus know what a good person we can be as well as keeping our environment healthy.